For many, getting your monthly bank statement in the mail is a well-established routine.
But have you considered switching to electronic statements?
You may feel nervous and skeptical about moving to e-statements and online banking. Technology can be intimidating, especially if you are in an occupation that doesn’t involve being online.
Remember that feeling when we first used an ATM machine, placed an order on Amazon, or got our first smartphone? The uncertainty you feel today quickly will be replaced with mastery and confidence.
E-statements have many benefits over traditional paper statements. The most compelling reasons are stronger security and convenience.
If you’re a small business owner, convenience is always welcome. Here are four reasons why switching to e-statements deserves consideration.
1. Immediate Access
You don’t have to wait around for the statement to come in the mail anymore. When you sign up for E-Statements, you can view your statement online as soon as its released. Plus, you can refer back to the statement over the course of the month, as needed.
Need more convenience? Your financial institution can email you the statement directly to your inbox.
2. Increased Security
E-statements protect you from theft because, unlike U.S. Mail, they can’t be delivered to the wrong address or be plucked from your physical mailbox.
With e-statements, your accounts are confidential, secured by your online login credentials. Only you can access your statements.
Gone are the days of missing documents or files. With e-statements, you won’t misplace anything because your online bank account will have everything organized for you. Consider it your handy virtual filing system.
Even better, you don’t have to worry about throwing sensitive documents in the garbage or recycling.
3. Environmentally Friendly
Bank statements - traditionally - have been printed on paper. This has an impact on the environment.
When you stop receiving multi-page paper documents, and substitute electronic statements, you save trees and lessen your environmental footprint.
It also feels good to free up space and remove clutter from your busy life.
4. Checking Financial History With Ease
Most people don’t keep their paper statements on hand. They file them away after receiving them in the mail.
That means they are not readily available, and you may have to do some digging. With e-statements, you can access financials directly from your PC or mobile phone, via your online banking account. Plus, with sorting and searching options, narrowing down information by date or transaction adds convenience and saves time.
Nothing is more annoying than sifting through files and trying to find last month’s statement history.
Stearns Bank’s Approach
When you enroll in e-Statements at Stearns Bank, you’ll avoid a $5 monthly paper statement fee.
It’s simple to switch. Start by logging into StearnsConnect.
Next, select “Settings,” “Statement Delivery,” choose the edit pencil and change “Paper Statement” to “e-Statement.”
E-statements in StearnsConnect are free, benefit the environment and offer you the greatest convenience and control over your bank accounts.