Shaykh Taha Abdul-Basser
Sharia Supervisory Board; Managing Partner; Straightway Ethical
Taha bin Hasan Abdul-Basser is an independent scholar of Islamic ethics and law who has acted as a Shari`a compliance reviewer, examiner and consultant to investment funds, investment banks, retail banks, financial advisories, legal advisors and other for-profit and not-for-profit entities since 1998. He was staff researcher and lead contributor to the Harvard Islamic Finance Information Program's database software on Islamic financial ethics and jurisprudence, independent study course instructor ("Principles of Islamic Finance") at Harvard Business School and a Senior Tutorial Advisor at Harvard University's Department of Near Eastern Language and Civilizations. He is the Harvard Islamic Society Chaplain emeritus.
Sheikh Taha received his Bachelors (A.B.) in the Comparative Study of Religion from Harvard College, a Master's (A.M.) in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University and is an ABD from the same department. In addition to his father (with whom he began the study of standard Arabic as a child), he has studied the traditional Islamic disciplines with teachers from the Sudan, the Yemen, Tanzania and Bahrain. He has received traditional licenses (ijazat) in Islamic ethics and law (Shafi'ī and Hanbalī), Prophetic traditions (hadith) and other disciplines from several teachers.