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Financing built around you

Taking a unique approach in starting or growing your business? We like that about you. 

We cheer on emerging entrepreneurs to partner with the right bank when they launch and as they mature to achieve long-term financial success.


All businesses—regardless of size, whether a solopreneur, mom-and-pop, or large company, and regardless of geographic location, industry, mobile/online or physical operations, for-profit or nonprofit status, or a start-up or maturing business – need and deserve a good, healthy relationship with the right bank for that business.


The right banking partner will provide a full range of affordable and flexible banking and financing services, including high-yield/no-low fee deposit services, customized to meet the business owner’s unique and immediate needs and future profitability goals.


We'd love to be your go-to partner for your banking needs. 

Let's connect!



AWBC is not associated with Stearns Bank N.A. or our affiliates.
Subject to credit approval/qualification. Terms, conditions and closing costs may apply. Subject to change without notice.